With a track record of over 200 solar energy solutions we bring a wealth of experience to our installations. Our technology and knowledge has enabled us to power businesses with affordable and efficient green energy at zero start up cost.

Surrey Group

  • System: 118kW Roof Mount
  • Location: Marondera, Zimbabwe

This project was commissioned in September 2019 with an installation of a roof mount PV solution. Their solar plant is grid tied with DG integration and powers the abattoir’s processing plant. We worked closely with the local community to successfully develop and deliver this project.

Schweppes Willowvale

  • System: 1MW Roof Mount
  • Location: Harare, Zimbabwe

We commissioned this hybrid power system in November 2019 at Schweppe’s Willowvale plant. The system is engineered with over 2000 panels and is hybrid with diesel generator integration to ensure 100% power up time. The plant is custom built to generate electricity to improve operational efficiencies in the manufacturing processes. The project construction created employment for over 60 families. 

Luxaflor Roses Farm

  • System: 118kW Ground Mount 
  • Location: Mazoe, Zimbabwe

This plant was commissioned in February 2020 with a grid tied PV solution, with diesel generator and battery backup. This plant powers the flower grading process plant, irrigation equipment, cold storage rooms and Green house equipment, and is custom built to generate a power saving of 30% on blended costs, while maximizing on day time sunlight.


  • System: 1.8MW Ground Mount
  • Location: Chipinge, Zimbabwe

The solar plant was commissioned in October 2020 at the Ratelshoek estate. The system is generating electricity to power the tea processing plant and irrigation equipment. At commissioning, the plant was the largest PV plant built for self consumption in the C & I sector in Zimbabwe.

Liquid Telecom

  • System: 1.2MW Roof and Carport Mount
  • Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

412MW of this plant was partly commissioned in November, 2019 and has been supplying reliable electricity to the customer, a data centre campus and communications solutions provider. The project is still under expansion to increase capacity for the company to better serve its mobile operators, carriers, enterprises, media companies and retail customers.

East Africa Data Centre

  • System: 135.6kW Roof Mount
  • Location: Nairobi, Kenya

We installed a PV solar plant at this African Data Centre that services East Africa. The Plant was commissioned in May 2019 and is a huge cost saving to the business. According to Dan Kwach, General Manager, Africa Data Centres East African region, “renewable energy would allow them to host, connect and support critical data for local and International companies in an environmentally-friendly way”. The solar plant is designed to the capacity of 1MW.

Aga Khan Khuze Medical Centre

  • System: 20kW Roof Mount
  • Location: Mombasa, Kenya

Aga Khan Kuze Medical Centre is powered by a roof mount PV plant on a building that is more than 100 years old. The grid-tied power system was commissioned in September 2019 and provides cost efficient electricity to the clinic for improved health care.

Econet Willowvale

  • System: 466kW Roof Mount
  • Location: Harare, Zimbabwe

Commissioned in April 2019, this was our 15th installation in our first 2 years of construction. The grid-tied system was then the largest Carport and Rooftop mount C & I solution in sub-Sahara Africa outside of SA. With an estimated 780MWH in annual energy production, the plant is expected to reduce site’s carbon footprint by 285,000kg every year.


  • System: 50kW Carport Mount
  • Location: Harare, Zimbabwe

We constructed a hybrid solar solution at UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Regional Office for Southern Africa in June 2020. The solar system is designed to produce 89MWh of energy annually and comes with 33Wh of battery backup to ensure business continuity.